Friday, June 20, 2014

FOMO : Great Indian Remedies : Ubtan

Hello my lovely ladies, I’d like to start off by apologizing about the long absence on the blog. Really sorry, been caught up with too many things but I promise to keep it updated from now on.

In my Skin Care Routine video I’d mentioned that I use Ubtan, a home remedy for exfoliation and a lot of you requested me to share the recipe, so here it is....

Ubtan is a mixture of natural ingredients that removes the excess dirt and gives you a flawless skin. I've been using it for a while and so it comes highly recommended. I like to apply it once a month on my face and neck but if you have time you can also apply it on your entire body. The quantity of my recipe is just enough for the face and neck so if you want to apply it on your body you will have to increase the measurements of the ingredients accordingly.


So firstly take 1 ½ - 2 tablespoons of Besan (gram/chickpea flour),
Add a pinch of Haldi (turmeric) in it (make sure you do not use too much Haldi as it will make your skin yellow),
Add 2 teaspoons of fresh Malai (cream) and not the tetra pack that you get at stores,
Add a little bit of Milk to blend the ingredients and make a thick paste,
Lastly add 2 – 3 drops of Lime


Now before applying I’m sure you guys would want to know more about the beneficial properties of each of these ingredients so here goes:

Besan helps in exfoliation and lightening the skin, Haldi again helps in lightening the skin, Malai is an excellent source of adding natural moisture to the skin , Milk makes the skin soft and smooth, and Lemon as we all know is a great cleanser, it lightens the skin and also helps in reducing the strong smell of the other ingredients.  I once made the ubtan without Lemon and trust me the smell was just intolerable.

Once you've made a thick paste, wash your face and neck area nicely and pat it dry before applying it. Once applied, leave it till it dries completely which should take around 10-15 minutes. Do not apply this on your eyebrows as lemon is considered to fade the color of your hair and you surely don’t want grey eyebrows :p

Once it has dried, with the help of your fingers, rub the mixture in circular motion to remove it off and then wash your face with luke warm water.

To finish off, rub a cube of ice on your entire face once as it helps to close the pores. Pat it dry and you should be able to see a difference in your skin immediately.

If you have oily skin, you might feel the need to use a facewash as Malai tends to make your skin more oily but if you aren't heading out that day, avoid using a facewash or atleast avoid for a couple of hours.

So girls that was my Ubtan recipe, I hope you find it helpful,  do let me know in the comments section how it turns out and do share with me any other methods or products that you girls follow for exfoliation, I’d love to know.  Before signing off just a request, please subscribe to FOMO Fashion On My Own.

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